The fall of Adam and Eve put all of God’s creation in bondage, and separated them from God. The bondage is this: all are tethered and held captive by sin. No one can free themselves from this condition. It was a springtime Sunday in about the year 30 A.D. The holy city of Jerusalem was crowded with pilgrims who had come for the annual Passover celebration. As they came near Jerusalem, Jesus told two of His disciples to go into a nearby village and bring a donkey that would be waiting there. Jesus gives specific instruction, a colt that is tied and one that no one has ever sat upon. This colt had been over looked and not used until this day when Jesus wanted it. This colt was continually over looked … until today it would be looked upon. God has not forgotten you. You may feel like you are in isolation but in reality HE has reserved you for a purpose. He has set you free and claimed you as HIS own, and for a purpose. This is the first time Jesus publically declares that HE IS THE MESSIAH. The only one who can set you free!