You Said What?

Oct 30, 2016    Pastor Lynn Dau

This Anxiety series has impacted lives to say the least. The Gospel is the good news that God is restoring our broken lives through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That’s the good news why are so many Christians depressed and anxiety ridden? Statistics show that the number one cause of anxiety is fear and number two cause is unforgiveness. Why do we refuse to forgive? Are we controlling those who have hurt us by punishing them and thereby protecting ourselves from further harm? Not really. Our rivals suffer minimally from our unforgiveness compared with the damage we do to ourselves. Yet it is humanly impossible to forgive. "To err is human, to forgive is divine." Only God can forgive. In this context then to forgive is a miracle done by God for you.
However, many times we do not ask for the miracle of forgiveness because we are deceived by the devilinto thinking we have already forgiven another. Many people help deceive themselves by re-defining forgiveness to be the control of hostile feelingsinstead of a merciful expression of love. Forgiveness is not a feeling but a decision to accept God's grace to let go of holding others sins against them. Forgiveness is to extend loving mercy to those who have offended us. Today we leave all anxiety behind because we have been forgiven … “MUCH” or “ALL” why try and keep something that does not exist?