The Psalm 133 is short, and is highly motivational. It keeps us looking forward to the blessings of God. It calls all people to worship God. It goes with the “flow” down the mountain and outward to valleys and plains. Only liquid can flow. Similar to the movement of the Holy Spirit that both water and oil represent. Though the oil is precious, God is not stingy with it. The generosity of the oil adds to the picture of the community gathering as a sweet pleasant time together; this is called worship. In Worship life is no longer scarce but abundant, no longer rationed but spilling over like an endless fountain. The oil signifies worship, feasting, celebration in unity. Death separates people, but resurrection promises that we will dwell in unity forever in Christ. Jesus is in the business of bringing the people together to worship in community. Because of Holy Spirits presence in Worship we are anointed and covered. Praise God HE has blessed us with a new Worship Center to let His presence be known and experienced.