Your Secret Place

Nov 20, 2016    Pastor Lynn Dau

If you were asked to write down ten things you were good at and enjoyed doing them what would you write? Would you feel a little prideful and boastful? Would you say, " I am good at claiming my Righteousness that Jesus freely gave me?" We live in a society where we are taught not to claim who we are and what we have, especially as Christians. Do you realize by not claiming who you are is a from of pride. How do you respond when someone tells you that you did a good job. Do you say "Thank you" or do you say "O it was no big deal" only to receive more complements. Paul says boast about Jesus so why don't we? To claim our righteousness blesses the Father. There is only one kind of righteousness that God accepts -- and that is perfect righteousness! Nothing else will stand in His presence on Judgment Day. Unless our righteousness is absolutely perfect, He cannot save us, justify us, recognize or accept us. So why don't we boast about this perfect righteousness? If you don't you still think you are somehow able to mold, polish and work on yourself, so that eventually you can say, "I'm okay, Lord. Lets stop that kind of thinking and live a life of health that flows from claiming who we truly are in Jesus.