I'm Alive

Jun 5, 2016    Pastor Lynn Dau

As Christians, we're called to be dead to the world and alive in Christ. How do we do that? The world values things like money, possessions, and positions. Being alive in Christ and dead to the world means that the matters that consume so many people's lives with stress and anxiety are (or should be) of no concern to a Christian. We are concerned primarily with worshiping and serving God, no matter what the cost. When we commit ourselves to seeking first God's kingdom and not worrying about what we will eat, drink , or wear. God promises us that all of our needs will be met (Matt. 6:33). While this may not be the easiest thing to do, it is possible. What is ironic about living in such faith and freedom is that when we make Christ our most important affection, other worries and concerns dwindle away. So, we don't even care about those things any more, when we've learned to rely on God and find him to be an all-sufficient one. Are you alive in Christ?