How Can This Be Done?

Feb 21, 2016    Pastor Lynn Dau

“You and Yours”
How This Can This Be Done?
1 Peter 3:7
In this series we are going to explore many facets of marriage. Marriage is supposed to last forever. There's all that "happily ever after" expectation. All that "til death do us part" stuff. But then, there's all that harsh reality: selfishness, discontentment, disappointments, struggles, and, yes, loneliness - even when your spouse is right beside you. There it is … “I have the right to.” You have the right to do what? Maybe you have the responsibility to be who God has called you to be. This responsibility can leave almost any couple wrestling with the questions: Can this marriage be saved? Is our marriage really worth fighting for? If your goal is one mate for life, the answer is yes. But you've got to take responsibility. And getting real means you've got to DO IT! Today we are going to take a good look at your responsibility but more importantly the ultimate role model for marriage.