What We Worship

May 8, 2016    Pastor Lynn Dau

What does it mean to be Holy? In the Jewish language, mentioning something twice is putting the greatest emphasis that there can be on something which is why Jesus often said, “Truly, truly” because He was about to say something of supreme importance but when something is mentioned three times, it’s off the charts important. The only attribute of God that is mentioned three times in the entire Bible is that He is Holy, Holy, Holy and the earth is full of His glory. The Hebrew word for holy is “qadowsh” and means sacred, set apart and separate from evil and defect … why … because God is truly altogether “other” than anything or anyone else. God is Three in Essence. God is also three in that He is omnipresent (present everywhere at the same time), omnipotent (all powerful), and omniscient (all knowing), therefore three is seen as the number of divine perfection or holiness. God also knows the past, the present, and the future and He abides in all three of these and He is most certainly holy to the 3rd power. This GOD is “What We Worship.”