Let Him Reign
Some believe that we’ll reign with Jesus during the Millennium. This is true, but it’s not the whole truth. Others teach that we’ll reign in Heaven. Religion teaches the remembrance of the “Sweet By-and-By” and someday “ I will Fly Away” This is also true, but it’s still not the whole truth. In both cases, either because of wrong teaching or the lack of right teaching, the impression is that we can’t expect much in this life. What about my relationship with Jesus today? What did Jesus do for me today? Religion says, “You can be saved, all right.” But you have to continue to be ruled by the devil—by sin, sickness, poverty, fear, and bondage. You have to go through life this way until you finally barely make it into Heaven. But that’s not what the Bible teaches. First John 1:9 says God is “. . . faithful and just to forgive us our sins, AND TO CLEANSE US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS.” God cleanses me from ALL unrighteousness! If I’m cleansed from my unrighteousness, that means I’m righteous. I can start ruling and reigning in life! That means I can stand in the Presence of God without a sense of spiritual inferiority or condemnation. Praise God lets Rule and Reign in life … thank you Jesus.