
Jun 11, 2017    Pastor Lynn Dau

In this three part series we will learn that the "Deep Things" of God are not hard to understand at all; and not “Deep” at all. Unlearning old ways and growing a new layer of learning in our minds is all that is needed; the Bible says this in Romans 12:2. Take for example “Confession of our sins.” We don’t have to confess our sins in order to be forgiven. We confess our sins because we are already forgiven. We I say “Confess our sins” I’m talking about being open with God. I don’t go before Him begging for forgiveness. I talk to HIM because I know I have already been made righteous by Jesus finished work on the cross. Since I  am forgiven, what exactly does the Holy Spirit convict me of? These are the insights we will learn about today as we study His Word.