I Believe

Mar 19, 2017    Scott Osborn

As children of God we believe that His word is truth, absolute truth. We know that God is whom He says He is, that Jesus Christ has done what He says He has done, and we are who Christ says we are. These truths are absolute and un-wavering, unchangeable and undeniable.
If God looked in a mirror He would see in the reflection exactly who He says He is. If Jesus looked in a mirror His image would reflect exactly who He says He is. But when you and I look in a mirror do we see exactly who God says we are. Does the reflection when we look at our lives look like the person Christ says we are.
The truth is, we are exactly who Christ says we are, but there are things we do in our lives that can blur our reflections and make it difficult to see who we truly are.
1st Cor 13:12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, And within our belief for salvation we can begin to struggle in believing who we are
Mark 9:24 Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, I believe; help my unbelief
Anything that causes us to see Jesus dimly when we look in the mirror or causes unbelief with-in our assured salvation is a deception from an enemy who does not want you to see yourself as Christ says you are.