
Apr 23, 2017    Pastor Lynn Dau

Life is a journey and everybody has a destination but a few people end up somewhere on purpose. Those who end up somewhere with purpose are the ones with vision. I believe you all have multiple visions for each of the key roles along the way in this journey called life. With that said you all have a multifaceted vision. You have a mental picture of what you want the various arenas of your life to look like. Personally, professionally and spiritually. If you could picture your life in ten years you will have a - what is - what could be and what should be.
What could be is fueled by vision of it should be … should be demands change and movement … it’s not contained by the artificial boundaries imposed upon us by the world.
What’s your vision? Without it you will come to the end of your life wondering what you could have done and what you should have done!
Vision dramatically increases the odds that you will look back on your life with a deep sense of satisfaction … I didit; I succeeded. My life counted!
Why are you here?
What’s your Vision personally?