
Nov 27, 2016    Pastor Lynn Dau

Psalm 100:4
Imagine spending an afternoon in the park on a sunny day. Can you imagine a day off every week … no work at all! No to-do-list, no household chores and all without guilt! Can you imagine a day to spend with your family or friends. Can you imagine a day when you could "Get To Worship" God! What kind of world would this be? Sounds like a real luxury in the 21st century doesn't it? Reality is God's business and in God's business HE designed us to work six and days and take one day off to renew, relax, worship and give thanks to Him. Yes that may be news for some that we are given the gift of one day off out to seven by God Himself. He designed it Himself and it literally means to "cease." It's a day to push the reset button! When we cease from pursuing our material goals for one day each week, we're saying "God, I trust You to maintain control while I spend this day focusing on You. I trust You to provide for my needs seven days a week even if I only work six of them. Regardless of how much money I could earn today, or how much remains to be done from last week, today I'm going to rest and worship YOU and bask in YOUR presence. Thank You for giving me a sabbath!