
Sep 25, 2016    Pastor Lynn Dau

What does God think about when He thinks about you? When God meditates on you in His heart, what does He feel? When God focuses His eyes on your soul, what does He see? When God opens His mouth to speak of you, what does He say? Perhaps many of you would answer those questions like this: He thinks badly of me; He feels repelled by me. He sees all my ugliness, and He says, Yuck! Nothing could be further from the truth! Jesus is portrayed as a man full of joy, according to the scripture that says he is anointed with the oil of gladness. His love for ALL people can clearly be seen, both when healing the leper, hugging the sinking Peter, speaking to Judas and desperately trying to reach out to the Pharisees. How does Jesus see you? Your view of Him determines how you perceive He see’s you!