What a Joy

Oct 9, 2016    Pastor Lynn Dau

What is the worst sin (Action) that a Christian could commit? Murder? Adultery? Homosexuality? Incest? What would it be? Although these are awful sins, and many others might be noted, which would be the worst? God's Word makes it clear that from God's perspective there is no distinction made concerning sin. James tells us that the smallest infraction of God's law is the same as breaking all of God's law. So from the Lord's viewpoint sin is sin. However some sins have greater consequences to us here than others. So, let's rephrase the question. Instead of asking what is the greatest sin that a Christian can commit, we need to ask what is the most destructive sin that a believer can commit. In my experience, the most destructive of all sins is bitterness. Bitterness destroys people, families, and churches. Bitterness is an attitude that refuses to forgive offenses. Like a cancer, it grows until it destroys everything around it. We are HIS righteousness … how then can we be bitter?