Something Happened II

May 24, 2015    Pastor Lynn Dau

We continue to investigate the instructions Jesus gave His disciples upon leaving the earth. The last thing He told them is to wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit. The disciples had to exercise this new faith they had “Into” Jesus and trust it. Are you trusting into Jesus? “Do you believe into Jesus?” seems like a strange question. It sounds like the same question as “Do you believe in Santa Claus?” or “Do you believe in aliens?” But the question “Do you believe into Jesus?” is asking far more than “Do you believe that Jesus Christ existed/exists?” The true meaning of the question is “Do you believe Jesus Christ is who the Bible says He is, and are you trusting into Him as your Savior?” A chair is a good illustration. You can look at a chair and believe it is made of materials strong enough to support your weight, and you can believe that it was assembled correctly. But that is not biblical faith. Biblical faith is sitting in the chair. It is actually relying on the chair to hold your weight off the ground. Many people say they believe but do they really? We will explore this question and seek to find out if you are willing to do what the disciples did because you believe. Anything other than believing “Into” Jesus is not a Biblical Faith. Not that it could ever happen, but if the “chair” of Jesus Christ were pulled out from beneath you, spiritually speaking, would you hit the ground, meaning your relying on things in addition to the chair?