I Truly Knew God

Aug 7, 2016    Pastor Lynn Dau

What IF? This tiny declaration communicates a logic of unbelief. The same goes for the statement; “But God” when we say “What If” and “But God” means unbelief and fear resides in our hearts. They are both fear based statements and fear dependent. The Bible says that we “Must not Fear, no not ever.” It is an authoritative command. So lets loose the “What If” and “But God” statement and state boldly; “I truly Know God.” Can you do that? The Bible says we can and we must. Truly knowing God begins with accepting His salvation for us. After that it is all about faith (Heb 11:6) “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” First, we must have faith to believe in God. Then we must understand His character – that He has good things in store for us. Finally, we must seek Him earnestly.  Knowing Him is a life response to His love for us.