I Walked in the Power of God?

Aug 14, 2016    Pastor Lynn Dau

As our adversary, Satan launches temptations and obstacles designed to cause us to slip up, trip up or fall flat. He then comes as the accuser with arguments as to why we’re no longer good enough or deserving of God’s affection. “Look what you’ve done!” he torments. “Who do you think you are?” Who you are. This is precisely what the enemy attempts to put in to question. Scripture reveals that his “obstacles and arguments are raised up against the knowledge of God” The “knowledge of God” is the truth that God says in His Word. To put it personally, it’s the reality about who we each are in Christ: made new and declared righteous. That’s your identity! The enemy is scared stiff of anyone armed with the knowledge of who he or she is in Christ. We walk in the power of Salvation when we claim our new identity … AMEN