Learn Humbly

Aug 19, 2018    Pastor Rick Holmberg    What are You Waiting For? series, Part 4

Scripture: "My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness. So now I'm glad to boast about my weakness, so that the power of Christ can work through me."

Have you ever felt powerless in life? Maybe it's a habit that you feel powerless to break, or it's a problem in a relationship and it seems to be getting worse. There are a lot of tough turns and sharp curves on the track of life. Lots of ruts and deep grooves to get us stuck on the track of life. We all crash at times. We all experience failure.

How do we start over after a crash? How do we find the power to begin again? In this message we'll look at the life of Peter and his big-time crash and how God gave him the power to begin again. Peter teaches us by his own example how to learn humbly.

1. Learn From Your Losses
2. Surrender To God's Strength
3. Pursue God's Path