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Sep 2, 2018    Pastor Rick Holmberg    What are You Waiting For?, Part 6

Scripture: "The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life." John 10.10

The point of this series has been to prepare you to live a meaningful life that fulfills your purpose on earth. Satan's purpose according to John 10.10 is to steal, kill and destroy your life. Steal any and all passion that you have for life. Kill your dreams and relationships. But Jesus - wants to give you a passion for life or restore your passion for life. There are four pieces to the Passion Puzzle and this message will help you inspect your LIFE and see what pieces may be missing and how to get them back/restored.

The four pieces are:
1. Love
2. Integrity
3. Forgiveness
4. Enthusiasm